A gift is something of economic value received without full payment in return, including the full or partial forgiveness of indebtedness, which is not extended to others who are not public officials or the relatives or members of the household of public officials, on the same terms and conditions. ORS 244.020 7(A)
This can include:
- presents
- raffle prizes
- discounts
- tickets to events
Gifts are limited by state law when two conditions occur:
1. The gift comes from someone who has an interest in a decision, recommendation, or other action that you can take in your capacity as a UO employee (“legislative or administrative interest” under state law.
2. The gift is offered to UO employees (or just you, as a UO employee) and not to other members of the public.
State law limits these types of gifts to $50 a year from each source.
The item is not a gift under Oregon ethics laws if it’s coming from someone with no legislative or administrative interest in the decisions you can make or actions you can take as a UO employee. A person holds a legislative or administrative interest if you are in a position to commit the UO to a course of action that would impact that person in a way that is distinct from the impact on the general public.
It’s also not a gift if it’s made available to people who are not UO employees on the same terms as what is available to UO employees.
Can the gift be given to my son or daughter instead?
No. It’s still a gift if it’s given to your relative or household member. If you can’t accept the gift because of the gift restrictions, your relative or household member can’t accept it either.
The following are not subject to the gift limits:
- Gifts to you from your relatives and household members
- Unsolicited tokens of appreciation worth less than $25
- Informational material and publications/ subscriptions related to your duties
- Reasonable food, travel, and housing expenses for you and a relative accompanying you when you are representing the university
- Some entertainment that is part of an event
- Reasonable expenses for speaking, when the entity paying is a government agency or non-profit